Write with Us!

Greetings, and welcome to IISMA Editorial! The IISMA Editorial is one part of the IISMA Alumni Club collective, and we act as a hub for IISMA testimonies, stories, and thought-provoking insights.

Call for Submissions

We’d love to hear different subjects and diversify our knowledge as well as understanding of the world through your writing. From the festival or tradition you’ve experienced in your host country, analysis of your university’s architecture, inspiring people you’ve met during your solo trip, IISMA Editorial is a platform for you to share your unique experiences during your time abroad.

Although we have several content types that you can dig deeper through this website, the general requirements to submit your writings are:

  1. Subject to one of our content types (IISMA Insights, Cultura, Universitour, Lenses)
  2. The writing must use proper English and use credible sources as reference.
  3. Font specifications: Times New Roman size 12, 1.5 spacing, Justified alignment
  4. Length of your article should be about 700-1500 words
  5. Using APA 7 Style as a citation
  6. Imagine the type of writing style that you’d deem interesting and fun to read, and do exactly that!
  7. Include a photograph and a short bio about yourself