University of Padua

Padua, Italy

Available Courses

The course unit aims to provide students with a good knowledge of the cultural and literary history of the Italian Middle Ages.

The module consists of an introduction to the history of medieval art in Italy, focusing on selected case studies which will be investigated with a multidisciplinary approach and with specific regard to the visual arts. 

This course covers the theoretical and computational foundations of brain-inspired A.I. focusing on machine learning based on artificial neural networks.

Students will critically understand the major approaches to the study of Personality from an individual differences perspective. 

This course aims at providing students with knowledge and understanding of the main theories on learning and memory from a cultural differences perspective (for example, learning and cognitive styles in Western vs Eastern cultures), of intelligence, personality and personality disorders from an individual differences perspective. The course will also examine theories on mood, emotion, and motivation.

The course is an introduction to the disciplines that study animal behaviour, such as ethology and comparative psychology, focusing on the most relevant methods of investigation.

Throughout the course, students will acquire knowledge on the main theories and research methods that psychology has developed.

The course covers the mechanisms by which the nervous system encodes information to generate the integrated responses of the organism.

The first part of the will be focused on climatology. Climate and weather elements will be studied and applied to climate classification schemes. Fundamentals of Physical Climatology, Regional Climatology, Applied climatology and Advanced climatology will be given. The effect of climate variability on human activities and the role of humans on climate will be discussed. Basics on how to collect, process, analyze and model meteorological processes and climatic data will be part of the course. The aim of the second part of the course is to have an integrated view of global climatic patterns throughout geologic time and to get an understanding of the forcing mechanisms associated with these changes. This part will give an overview on how the global climate system have worked during the geological past, comparing records of past and present climate change considering how Earth’s climate history can inform and constrain potential future climate changes. Case studies of past climatic variability on long to short timescales will be proposed.

Students will gain theoretical knowledge about the main research topics investigated by Work and Organizational Psychology. Moreover the current developments related to the introduction and deployment of new technologies in organizations will be treated. Finally, the main methods to conduct research in organizations will be covered.

This course aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of the main psychological theories on human development. 

Students will learn basic knowledge of computer security and will be able to analyse a system, identifying its possible vulnerabilities.

The course will cover the knowledge of the principles of computer operations and object-oriented programming. 

The course has a strong focus on the legal aspects of new information technologies. 

It fosters intercultural understanding and communication skills, promoting the ability to articulate ideas in an intercultural setting and stimulating critical thinking.

This course provides the knowledge and skills to develop:
– a critical understanding of the various biological, psychological and social processes that influence health and illness;
– the ability to identify the bio-psycho-social factors that influence a variety of lifestyle-related health issues;
– knowledge of intervention strategies to prevent illness and promote health in a range of clinical and non-clinical contexts.

This course is designed to introduce students to the history of economic thought. We focus on essential ideas of prominent economists and schools of economic thought relating them to real-world problems and when applicable to present-day problems. The course also brings to light the social and economic conditions associated with the emergence of different schools of economic thought. While exploring the economic thought of renowned economists, connections with philosophy and other disciplines will be spelled out. The dynamics of shifts from the prominence of one school of thought to another will also be explored. In this context, the rise and demise of classical political economy and the subsequent rise of marginalist approach will constitute the main axis of the course content. Major controversies over the definition of the objectives, scope, and methodology of economic theories will be surveyed. Various critical departures from the dominant theory will also be taken up.

It aims to provide students with adequate cognitive and interpretative tools regarding international relations in the 20th century.

For further info:

The course is focused on the fundamental aspects of Psychology as a science and its methodologies, providing the knowledge of the history of psychology through the various movements.

Throughout the course the students will acquire basic knowledge of some fundamental concepts and methods in the philosophy of science.