The University of Pécs, founded in 1367, is the oldest university in Hungary. Today it is one of the largest Institutions of Higher Education in the country and offers a wide spectrum of courses to some 22,000 students in approximately 500 different study programs. The university accommodates a unique range of scientific fields in its 10 faculties/schools: Faculty of Business and Economics, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Music and Visual Arts, Medical School, Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy. The University of Pécs is one of the leading research universities in the country with a huge professional research background. The University functions as a knowledge center for innovation in the South Transdanubian Region. Nearly 2,000 members of our teaching and research staff at our 10 schools participate in research projects, whilst 22 doctoral schools offer PhD and DLA degrees covering a wide spectrum knowledge. The entire institution, as well as many of our faculties and study programs took leading positions in highly recognized international rankings.
Academic: GPA of 3 or above on their studies to date
English Language:
– IELTS: 6.0 (no band below 6)
– TOEFL iBT: 78
– Duolingo English Test: 100 (no band below 100)
02 September 2024 – 31 January 2025
Applicants : 662 students
GPA : 3.08-4.00
TOEFL iBT Score : 82-104
IELTS Score : 6-8.5
Duolingo English Test Score : 0-155
Awardees : 46 students
GPA : 3.37-3.98
TOEFL iBT Score : 104
IELTS Score : 7.5-8
Duolingo English Test Score : 115-155
Available Courses
The course reviews the main arenas of social-emotional development and highlights the most relevant models of parenting, family and peer interactions by the means of the students individual and group presentations and discussion. From the social domains gender development, development of prosocial behavior and models of cultural learning are investigated. Finally the development of expressive child activities – play and drawing – are reviewed.
The subject area gives a theoretical and practical introduction to intercultural communication. Discussed are the bases of culture and cultural differences, language differences and their relationship with culture, the characteristics of verbal and non-verbal communication, linguistic and pragmatic aspects of communication. Special emphasis is devoted to communication between learners of English with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
The aim of the course is to improve students’ empathy and mentalization capacity. Students acquire the basics of reflective-dialogic communication and mentalization through experiential learning. The course supports students to develop relevant knowledge on client-helper interaction as a systemic process; and on their professional selves.
The precise and real nature of the European Union (EU) has long been a question in international affairs. It is difficult to understand, how to deal and cooperate with an actor, which is neither a traditional state nor an intergovernmental international organization. While the EU has significant decision-making authority in certain policy areas, it lacks influence in others. This mix of competencies in external relations can confuse non-members and strain relations among EU member states and the Union’s supranational institutions. The course investigates the complexities of the EU’s role and authority in international affairs and its relations with peripheries and other actors.
The module aims to provide a compass to the study of individuals and groups within the organization, and to the study of the organization itself in order to build a deep awareness of the evolving difficulties and opportunities in people management.
Topics include: diversity in organizations, personality and values, perception, motivation, group behaviour, leadership, power and politics.
The module raises awareness of the importance of understanding and managing cultural differences in the contemporary global business environment.
Topics include: oral, nonverbal, and written communication patterns, business presentations, cultural values, intercultural negotiation, mobile-digital-social workplace, sustainable communication
The module introduces students to the important area of international business, including external challenges to the international firm as well as to possible internal responses, solutions to those challenges.
Topics include: globalization, political economy and ethics, international trade theory, foreign direct investment, regional economic integration, international strategy.
By the end of the module students will be able to calculate and comprehend measures of the respective fields related to the market, marketing stragety and four Ps.
Topics include: market position and advertising metrics, margins and profits, pricing strategy, portfolio, channel and sales force management.
Overview and discussion of the basic concepts and new challenges of the information society – and how to regulate them – in the context of the European Union. Topics include the fundamental principles of ICT laws; the regulation of data protection; copyright law in the digital dimension; E-commerce law; consumer protection in the digital world.
The course is designed for students who are willing to learn about the cultural heritage of Pécs and the city’s historic evolvement and provides opportunities for visiting heritage attractions. Beyond providing an introduction to the history of Pécs the course focuses on the major cultural achievements and the most important cultural heritage sites of Pécs.
The legacy of Greece and Rome The course offers a general introduction to ancient Greek and Roman culture and its impact on modern Western civilization. Its focus is twofold. On the one hand, it aims to provide students with an elementary understanding of Latin and Greek: the alphabet; words, names, expressions and proverbs of Greek and Latin origin; key grammatical concepts; fundamentals of historical linguistics (related languages, ancient Greek dialects, historical phases and types of Latin); general characteristics of Greek and Latin; declination, system of tenses. On the other hand, the course explores classical cultures: history of writing, textual transmission; Greek and Roman education; the dialogue between Greek and Roman cultures; mythology; Greek and Latin Bible and ecclesiastical Latin; Latin literature in the age of humanism and reformation; Latin in Hungary from the Middle Ages up to the present. In order to acquire language skills and basic knowledge of classical culture, students read simple Latin and Greek texts and observe ancient artefacts. They are also expected to do exercises challanging their creativity and to do simple research on their own with the help of recommended literature as well as online sources.
This module aims to examine decision alternatives in a strategically important business situation, while students explore real situations, assess and elaborate alternative decisions, estimate risks and enforceability.
Topics include: strategy process, five forces model, strategy control, innovation, quality, service and market development and rivalry.
Overview and analysis of the environmental policy and legislation of the European Union in a global context. Topics include: the concept of sustainable development; the history and goals of EU environmental policy; the implementation and enforcement of environmental law; trade and the environment; the external dimension of the EU’s environmental policy
Creativity seems to be the most important soft skill of the 21st century and crucial for professionals in all fields. This course is intended to support and complete any field of study by motivating the participants to open their minds to innovative methods. Through creative exercises, they will acquire skills to connect various things and absorb information in a way that they can use later in life. The content of the contact hours will help students to see things differently, improve their observational skills and serve as a creative warm-up. The course will improve creativity through techniques of visual arts (such as free-form drawing, painting, printing, collage, paper cutting and folding, contemporary art techniques), and playful exercises requiring mindfulness. Students will gain more confidence, find and develop their individual voice and style. It is a course for exploration through trying new things, experimenting, while not excluding even the possibility of making occasional mistakes. It is recommended for all levels and fields of interests, although especially students who are interested in visual arts may improve their drawing, painting skills or even interpreting forms and space. Experience gained in this course will improve the participants’ flexibility in coping with unexpected situations and their performance in daily life and at their future workplace.
The module aims to introduce students to the practice of researching, writing and presenting for academic purposes, and to the identification and critical use of relevant professional sources.
Topics include: research proposal, online databases, literature review, citation and referencing, presentation tools, visual aids, body language.
The course focuses on the main environmental issues and policies on environmental protection and sustainable development. It gives an insight to the operation of global civic sector and climate change issue. Furthermore it discusses the formulation process of sustainable development, the dilemma escalated around this paradigm and its integration in policies, primarily into developmental policy. It also analyses in detail the idea of political ecology (ecopolitics), highlighting its political aspects and directions, moreover, its symbolic system and communication devices of green thought. The second part of the course discusses the concept, the set of instruments and the methods of environmental policy, the role and presence of the green and antiglob movement.
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the a fundamental characteristics of film as an audiovisual medium and artform. It discusses the diverse forms of various professional discourses about film, including aspects of film history, film theory, and film criticism. The focus is on film as a form of cultural communication, therefore technical, aesthetic and contextual aspects are given equal importance in the curriculum. In addition to the analysis of the formal-textual elements of the medium (cinematography, editing, sound, mise-en-scène, acting), its rhetorical figures, genres, narrative modes, cognitive and visceral effects, emphasis is also placed on the ideological charge, social and cultural context of each work. By mastering subject knowledge, the basics of critical thinking and the academic language, students will be able to develop consistent and compelling film interpretations.
The goal of the course is to infrom students about the main features of contemporary social policy in the international scene, first a foremost in Europe and in Hungary, following the developmental route of the welfare state, a period of a little more than a century from the beginnings up to now. In the frameworks of the course the debates concerning the different developmental phases, institutions and accomplishments, encouringing students to enter the discourses during the lectures/seminars and present their own professional views. Further, the European comparative perspective has a distinguidhed significance as a means to distinguish between the main types of the social systems of the contintent as well as the key features of the given countries.
The course will focus on the political geography of elections, dealing with the politics of the electoral process. We will examine how elections contribute to the development and use of power and legitimacy in political systems. Most attention will be given to the analysis of the electoral systems, how they influence voters’ choices. With the help of this course students will be able to analyse the special categories of the geography of elections and will be able to compare the different structures.
The course introduces students to the study of social communication. In doing so, it presents both the appearance of communication research and its dominant transmissional and cultural approaches. On the other hand, we are investigating the concepts of social communication such as everyday life, popular culture, mass communication, publicity and public opinion.