Hi, IISMA Alumni!

IISMA Alumni Club was founded in 2022 to connect the first batch of IISMA awardees who have completed their studies abroad and returned to Indonesia. We aim to maintain continuous connection and development among all IISMA awardees.

Dr. Rachmat Sriwijaya Chair of IISMA Program

Welcome to IISMA Alumni Club Webpage

To accelerate the development of human resources in Indonesia, the Indonesian government is looking for a new strategy to strengthen the commitment introduced by Mr. Nadiem Makarim, Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia through the “Kampus Merdeka” program. The Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) have contributed to shaping the world’s future leaders, which can be seen from the quality of its alumni. To accommodate IISMA’s vision, we are honored to have the IISMA Alumni Club (IISMA-AC) which has the important task of bringing together alumni of the IISMA program spread throughout Indonesia in a competitive, adaptive, inclusive, and contributive form for organizational forums. The purpose of this organization is to connect alumni with the IISMA RI program. IISMA-AC will utilize digital media in conveying and disseminating information quickly and efficiently. Therefore, there is no doubt that IISMA-AC, in the long term, plays an important role in aspiring and reconnecting young Indonesian leaders around the world.

Programs & Timeline


  • IISMA-AC Info Session – June/July

  • Ongoing

  • IISMA Buddy Connect – July until August
  • Campaign Launch – July, October, January’24
  • Yellow Pages – July, September, December, March’24
  • Alumni Hangout – July, September, March’24
  • Open Monthly Submission – July until May’24
  • Collaborative Writing Development – July until May’24
  • On preparation

  • Industry Introduction – August until September
  • Network Mentoring – July until November
  • IISMA POD – September, November, February’24, May’24
  • Not yet started

  • Postgraduate & Career Mentoring – November until December
  • IISMA Mentoring 2024 – January’24
  • Alumnite/Alumni Night – January’24
  • Company Visit – February’24 until March’24
  • IISMA-AC Goes to Campus – February’24 until March’24
  • IISMA-AC Editorial Page

    A narrative collection for every IISMA adventure, experience, and revelation!

    Memory Lane

    Organizational Structure

    President’s Office

    The President’s Office is a critical division responsible for leading and managing the organization’s strategic planning, financial affairs, administrative functions, and operational management. It serves as the backbone of the organization, ensuring that all operations run smoothly, and the club’s objectives are met.


    The Mentorship team is committed to fostering the growth and success of all IISMA awardees and future applicants. By providing ongoing support and resources, the division helps to ensure that all members of the IISMA community are equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to achieve the most out of their IISMA journey.


    The Editorial division will publish high-quality and engaging content relevant to aspiring, current, and past awardees. Whether through written articles, videos, or carousels, Editorial curates and develops content to help IISMA-AC’s audience stay informed and inspired. Editorial is open to collaborations and is committed to delivering substantive and creative content to the IISMA community.

    Alumni Growth

    Alumni Growth is a division of the IISMA Alumni Club that provides support to alumni through a variety of activities, including webinars, company visits, and professional career mentoring. The division is committed to helping alumni develop their personal and professional skills, according to their fields of interest, whether it be through personal development, career advancement, or post-graduate studies.


    Partnership, serving as IISMA-AC’s back office, will help other divisions on establishing and maintaining strategic partnerships that are mutually beneficial to both parties. The division works to identify potential stakeholders and organizations that can contribute to the success of IISMA-AC and seeks to expand the network of the organization.


    Marketing is responsible for creating and disseminating content to promote the organization to a wider audience. This division aims to increase the visibility of IISMA-AC and attract potential awardees, sponsors, and partners.

    Community Engagement

    The Community Engagement division aims to foster a strong sense of community among IISMA alumni in different regions by providing opportunities for networking and collaboration. It will play a crucial role in maintaining and strengthening the bonds between IISMA alumni.

    Our Team

    Presidents's Office

    Enrique Owen


    Tania Bong

    Vice President

    Shannon Ad Dawya


    Marsela Halim



    Ahmad Fauzan

    Director of Partnership

    Anastasia Aurel

    External Staff

    Aura F Yasmine

    External Staff

    Beatrice Faustina Teja

    External Staff

    Bertrand Kosasih

    Internal Staff

    Ibtisam Salsabila

    Internal Staff

    Rizka Sakinah

    Internal Staff

    Achmad Ghifari Taufiqurrochman

    External Staff


    Syifa Adzraa Maahira Sitorus

    Editor in Chief

    Erica R. Rubetta

    Managing Editor

    Theola Flowrencia

    SEO Specialist

    Fardi Fajrian


    Annisa Ramadhani Wijayanto Putri


    Marvel Maximus Mercurio


    Qonitatur Rasyidah



    Alifyaa Rahmanita

    Director of Mentorship

    Gregory Bertly Josefano

    Head of Curriculum Development

    Putri Faiqdini Baihaqi

    Head of Mentorship Engagement

    Arya Raka Rainnantya Manalu

    Curriculum Development Staff

    Wahidah Mevi Hinayah

    Curriculum Development Staff

    Feodora Putri Humaira

    Curriculum Development Staff

    Tania El Mahrunisa

    Staff of Alumni Growth

    Athira Ananda Safira Putri Arie

    Mentorship Engagement Staff

    Rafi Fauzan Abdillah

    Mentorship Engagement Staff

    Mohammad Adika Bagja

    Mentorship Engagement Staff

    Alumni Growth

    Fakhri Ihsan Nalendro

    Director of Alumni Growth

    Grace Adam

    Head of Product & Data

    Sabella Clara Yandinata

    Head of Project

    Davin Liuz

    Product & Data Manager

    Sandy Nathanael

    Project Officer

    Rania Hermanto

    Product & Data Manager

    Rahmahanani Puspita

    Product & Data Manager

    Maulidya Ika Fahrani

    Project Officer

    Geiby Mita Saroinsong

    Project Officer

    Ersyaharani Dwilendra Wardhani

    Project Officer

    Cindy Valerie

    Project Officer

    Nindy Adelia Bahar

    Project Officer


    Hanif Restian Pratikno

    Director of Marketing

    Rhea Oktaqiara

    Co-director of Marketing

    Audia Ayu Maharani

    Social Media Specialist

    Amelia Mettadewi

    Social Media Specialist

    Attif Muhammad Dzaky

    Graphic Designer

    Fathia Salma Ramadhani

    Graphic Designer

    Shafira Khaerunnisa Arifin

    Graphic Designer

    Alivia Permata Hadi

    Content Writer

    Chusnul Isnainy

    Content Writer

    Naila Syifa

    Email Specialist

    Community Engagement

    Kennard Mahib Bariumanto

    Director of Community Engagement​

    Alya Noor Aminah Saleh

    Vice Director of Community Engagement​

    Bryan Edgar

    Engagement Development Staff

    Happy Nasyiduna Setyono

    Engagement Development Staff

    Elrosa Nadia Sukmaningtyas

    Engagement Development Staff

    Mikha Kevin Yudhistira Hardjo Soewirjo

    Engagement Development Staff

    Lucas Ferensisco Batlajery

    Regional Manager East Indonesia and Kalimantan

    Firman Syauqi Maulana Habaib Sulthon

    Regional Manager East Java

    Fitri Amalia Rafi

    Regional Manager Central Java

    Adriel Sebastien Loekito

    Regional Manager Jakarta and Banten

    Melani Yohana Simanjuntak

    Regional Manager Sumatra

    Athaya Hasya Hafiezha

    Regional Manager West Java